With a variety of natural resource professionals on staff, including Ontario Registered Professional Foresters, biologists, ecologists, environmental scientists, and GIS specialists, Giiwedin Environmental Services has the capacity and expertise to meet the needs for a wide variety of clients and projects. Giiwedin is committed to finding creative solutions to complex issues, while ensuring resource decisions are environmentally, socially, and economically balanced. With our diverse team and varied skillsets, Giiwedin Environmental Services is able to offer a full suite of environmental services related to forestry, mining, and infrastructure development. From baseline studies and planning, to decommission and remediation plans, we are capable of successfully guiding you through your natural resource project.

Capacity Building
Youth Engagement and Mentoring
Community Workshops and Information Sessions
Joint Ventures
Community-led land use planning
Traditional knowledge collection and mapping

Environmental Assessment
Environmental baseline studies (design, implementation) including vegetation, wetlands, fish, wildlife and Species at Risk
Wildlife and wildlife habitat assessment
Vegetation and wetland management
Monitoring program development
Right-of-way and route selection
Fisheries Assessments
Indigenous and stakeholder outreach, and government coordination and negotiation

Forest Management Services
Annual Work Schedules
Annual Reporting
Independent Forest Audit support
Development and implementation of Silvicultural programs
Project management
Regeneration monitoring & Silvicultural Effectiveness surveys
Tree improvement & seed orchard maintenance
General forestry consulting services

Geomatics Capacity Building
GIS Analysis and Database Management Systems
Custom GIS Applications
Cartography and Visualization
Spatial Data Collection

Species At Risk
Species at Risk surveys (eg. Caribou, Eastern Whip-poor Will, Bats, Turtles, Songbirds) and permitting
Impact assessment, avoidance, and mitigation strategies
Project support for requirements under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act (ESA) including:
Completion of Information Gathering Forms (IGF)
SAR Mitigation Plans
Overall Benefit (OB) permits

Forest Management Planning
Professional Forester services
Development of Forest Management Plans
Forest Management Plan maintenance services
Long-term strategic modelling and planning
Data preparation/analysis
Stakeholder Consultation & Information Centers

Natural Environment reporting in support of aggregate pit or quarry permits/licences
Species at Risk Permitting (federal and provincial)
Overall Benefit Permitting for provincial Species at Risk, namely Woodland Caribou
Species at Risk Mitigation Plan development

Forestry Regulatory Review and Analysis
Forest Certification services
Jurisdictional policy scans
Review of policy barriers and strategic opportunities
Identification of applicable case studies and research